Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Hot yoga is more than a trend.

Yoga, an ancient art form rooted in spirituality, has channeled to the forefront of culture through a resurging interest in esoteric new-age thinking. While most "new-age" trends are vacuous of any genuine philosophy, yoga is an exception. My new obsession is hot vinyasa yoga. Going through the poses, you're forced to let go of your need for control. It's a personal experience that puts you in touch with your self as you recognize your own limits and work to push beyond them. When used for personal health maintenance, Vinyasa Yoga is the ultimate cross training system, with low impact movement, aerobic, and muscle toning benefits. In class, you will literally sweat more than you ever have in your entire life in one 90 minute session. Every class repeats the same sequence with standing warm ups and proceeding through four vinyasa flows in 105 degrees and 60% humidity. So, why put yourself through such a hot challenge?

Immersing yourself in hot yoga practice is said to:

  • release toxins
  • improve flexibility and range of motion
  • increase weight loss
  • develop muscle tone
  • build the immune system

Everything from stamina to skin appearance have been reported as improved among the faithful adherents to the discipline. Hot yoga additionally yields the benefit of increased metabolism, fat burning, and improved flexibility. This practice is about uniting the mind, body, and spirit for the purposes of greater health and wellness. Yoga in a warm room provides a unique challenge to the mind and body while rewarding the efforts with results more quickly than other modalities. Inches can disappear off your body with regular practice and tone will be developed. For the healthy participant, hot yoga is safe, fun, and effective while also being challenging, relaxing, and freeing. Adding heat not only has an impact on the work of the mind and body, but it requires the spirit to engage and provide the strength to endure.

(Before going to a hot yoga class, make sure you have drank LITERS of water! During the class continue hydration and end class with more H2O and some electrolytes)

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